NAP 155 XS是NAC 152 XS XS系統的前置放大器的完美伴侶。它具有一個非常大的電源變壓器 - 無論是身體上和在其額定功率 - 屢獲殊榮的SUPERNAIT集成放大器的心臟,其電源使用相同的儲能電容。
NAP 155 XS採用類似的施工技術,NAIT XS集成放大器的路由,以提供更高的性能和更多的音樂與蜂窩散熱片,並減少地球負擔。NAP 155 XS是功率放大器直出經典的Naim模具:快速,詳細的,動態的,一心一意的音樂。
The heart of the amp circuit is a version of the world class NAP 500 with a substantial and very quiet power supply using a custom designed and manufactured toroidal transformer.
Improvements over the previous NAP 150x include: a new toroidal transformer for improved regulation; separate transformer windings for CH1 and CH2 and preamp; and an up-rated preamp power supply to improve the performance of the preamp.
Where required the NAP 155 XS can be used in most series of systems, both passive and active.